
-         My whole life I have been fascinated with Jewish history. It is the foundation that has molded us into the Jewish nation we are today, from the places where we created our communities, to the lives that we lead. The impact that our Jewish history has on us even today, is nothing short of monumental. Unfortunately, much of this history and many of its minute yet interesting details have gotten lost over time. In particular, we have very little information concerning the lives of most of the Rishonim. Therefore, it's clear understanding required hundreds of hours of extensive research and effort to prepare these cards. While doing so, I was privileged to gain a deeper awareness about the lives of these revered figures.

          The 470-year Rishonim period was beset with tremendous tzaros: pogroms, exiles, blood libels, the inquisition, etc. In spite of the many hardships, these giants of Torah and avodah were able to shine brightly and produce amazing works of Torah, which provided us the links to a most important, unbroken mesorah. Their Torah insights are learned and cherished until this very day.

          Knowledge about the mechaber of the sefer someone is learning makes it that much more enjoyable and interesting; for example, not just learning the Ritva's chiddushim, but knowing that he was a talmid of the Rashba, who was, in turn, a talmid of the Ramban and Rabbeinu Yonah.

          It is a tremendous zechus for me to be able to enrich the learning of Torah by bringing this information to light.

          Working with Rabbi Levi Goldwasser, a dynamic rebbe from South Bend, Indiana, was a great source of chizuk and encouragement. R' Levi is a sincere ben Torah, whose tireless dedication to this project (which was his brainchild from the start) was amazing to witness. We both worked diligently and meticulously to bring this project to fruition.

          May Hashem grant that this project accomplishes its intended goal; to strengthen Torah and yiras shamayim and bring an awareness and appreciation of the lives of these great Rishonim.

          Acharon acharon chaviv - I want to thank my eishes chayil for her constant support and enthusiasm; always pushing me forward. And, of course, to Hashem for giving me s'yata d'Shemaya to be able to complete this work.

          Dov Rosen